I don’t paint. My inability to draw anything brings constant amusement to my family and I’ve never even come close to mastering sewing or crafting, but I can garden and cook.
My Vegie Garden
With the drought now creeping into even the coastal areas of Queensland, my tiny green vegetable garden oasis is vital in keeping us all from getting the dry weather blues. I’m very conscious of the shrinking dam we draw our garden water from, but I’m mulching like a demon and hand watering only in the cooler hours, but days like today (pushing 40 degrees Celcius in early spring!) almost make me let it all go until it rains.
Aside from the actual love of growing things, that tiny patch of green provides a visual and mental respite from the endless sea of brown that surrounds us and most of Queensland.
For the little while that I’m working there or if the farm kids pop in to grab a carrot or handful of green beans or if I grab the Mister by the arm, for a quick tour and catch up of what’s growing, sprouting or finishing off, we can all forget that things are pretty ordinary out in our paddocks and instead take pride and comfort in the food we continue to grow for ourselves even in very trying times.
To pick even part of the vegetables we put on our plates to accompany our own CGL BEEF or Paddock Raised Chooks, of an evening, gives a ridiculous sense of satisfaction.
And I’ll take whatever positive sentiments I can find at present, while we watch and wait for the storm clouds to appear on our horizon.
Pickled carrot and radish in the making backlit by brown paddocks and drying dam.

My recipe..
- 1 large carrot, peeled, sliced into fine julienne style (about 2 cups)
- 1 medium daikon radish, peeled, cut same as carrot (about 2 cups)
- 1/4 cup sugar..or a little less.
- 1 tablespoon kosher salt
- 1 cup of water
- 1/2 cup rice wine vinegar
- a little bunch of semi-dried/dried coriander seed from the garden.
Combine carrots, radish, sugar, and salt in a large glass or ceramic bowl. Using fingertips, massage salt and sugar into vegetables until dissolved. Add water and rice vinegar. Pack vegetables into smallish jars. I prefer to only have small quantities open at at time.
You can use immediately, but for best results, refrigerate at least overnight before eating. Will keep for at least a fortnight…maybe longer if stored well.
Perfect to accompany Bahn Mi style rolls stuffed with sweet Paddock Raised Chook breast mince or some sticky Asian style beef meatballs on a stick or tossed with crisp coriander, cucumber and left over roast chicken…
Better pull up there or I could end up a lot heavier by the time it rains!