Paddock Raised Chooks
Flavour to Flap About
Since 2015 we have been producing paddock reared chickens with a tenderness and flavour that we can’t help but crow about!
Of course, our birds are chemical free and we don’t use any hormones, anti-biotics. They live in a portable purpose-built pen, outside in the fresh air and sunlight, eating loads of fresh grass every day – and anything else they manage to scratch up as they forage.

How we Grow our Chooks
Day old broiler chicks come to the farm and are raised in a secure warm brooder facility for 2-3 weeks, until they are old enough to regulate their own body temperature.
When ready, they are transferred to our light-weight, floor-less, Portable Pastured Poultry Pavilion which we move every day. By keeping them in the moveable pen we protect them from predators AND we keep them, the grass they eat and their air clean. “The air?” …yep, no breathing in fine manure particles all day every day for these birds.
By moving them daily we are moving them off yesterday’s manure pack – which is accepted with relish by our grass, soil and all the micro-organisms living there and grows a healthier bird, which means…you’ve got it…healthier people.

Growing a Better Bird
Grown outdoors with actual sunlight (no artificial lighting) means the birds have access to natural Vitamin D. Fresh green grass is packed with chlorophyll which is power packed with goodness for our chickens.
With room to move these birds build up muscle tone with scratching, hunting and dust bathing. By consuming abundant natural grass the chicken develops more flavour. Just as grass fed beef has more flavour than grain fed – so our chickens taste better than a grain fed bird.
Most importantly our young chickens are able to access fresh grass every day – which they love – and this boost their vitality and vigor.

Do better always
Continuing our ‘do better always’ mantra in 2019 we have switched to Certified Organic feeds for our Paddock Raised Chooks.
This means we are supporting other farmers to continue with their own journey to ‘do better always’ on their own farms. Furthermore, we are also supporting our customers as they strive to provide their families with nutritious, delicious food that will provide health and energy – without the environmental guilt.